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The "Chinese + Vocational Skills" Training Project of Shanghai Urban Construction Vocational College was Successfully Held

On March 15, the Sino-North Africa Education Innovation Association issued a notice, officialy launching the North African "Chinese + Vocational Skills" Training Program in 2024. This initiative aims to provide a broader range of learning opportunities for faculty and students from universities in North Africa, employees of Chinese enterprises, as well as North African youth who are fond of the Chinese language and culture, which serves as the primary cooperative region. The goal is to cultivate a cohort of internationally-minded talents proficient in Chinese language and possessing vocational technical skills.


On the afternoon of May 22, the School of Architecture and Environmental Art held the opening ceremony for the "Chinese + Vocational Skills" online courses. The courses, including "Shanghai’s Urban Renewal and Inheritance of Architectural Culture," "China Ancient Ceramics and Research of Pattern Technique," and "Multimedia Art and Design," are offered to teachers and students from universities in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Niger, Singapore, Vietnam, and other countries. Leaders and teachers from the School of Architecture and Environmental Art and the International Exchange Office, as well as trainees from African and Southeast Asian universities, attended the opening ceremony.

Shao Dongdong, the Party Secretary of the School of Architecture and Environmental Art, delivered a speech on behalf of the school, providing an overview of the courses. She stated that the school had made meticulous arrangements and thorough preparations for these online courses. Moving forward, the school will further leverage its professional advantages to develop more diverse course resources, offering students from African and Southeast Asian countries a new platform for cultural exchange, integration, and communication. She expressed her hope that through this training, the participants would gain knowledge and skills and enhance international friendship and cooperation.

On May 22, the online course "Shanghai’s Urban Renewal and Inheritance of Architectural Culture" was taught by Zhou Peiyuan, a teacher in the Architectural Decoration Engineering Technology program, Shanghai "Architecture Can Be Read" ambassador, and a specially appointed tutor for lifelong learning and cultural walks in Shanghai. Zhou introduced the overseas trainees to the historical and cultural city of Shanghai from the perspective of architecture and culture, elaborating on the historical evolution and unique cultural zones of Shanghai during urban renewal. Using Wukang Road, a famous historical and cultural street in China, as an example, he guided the trainees through the distinctive Spanish and French Renaissance-style buildings and celebrity residences along Wukang Road over the past century. The trainees were deeply moved by Shanghai's rich historical and cultural heritage and expressed their desire to visit Shanghai and experience the charm of its historical buildings in person.

On May 29, the online course "China Ancient Ceramics and Research of Pattern Technique" was taught by Zhao Huiqun, the head of the school's Cultural Relics Restoration and Conservation program, and Zhao Qiwang, a professional teacher. The instructors provided an in-depth yet accessible discussion on the history of ceramic development, from Neolithic pottery to Shang Dynasty primitive porcelain and Han Dynasty celadon, from Tang Dynasty's south celadon and north white Changsha ware to Song Dynasty's five famous kilns and folk kilns, and from the renowned Jingdezhen porcelain of the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. Through multiple case studies, they showcased the exquisite techniques of ceramic relic restoration and conservation, presenting a magnificent picture of China's profound ceramic craftsmanship to the overseas trainees.

On May 31, the online course "Multimedia Art and Design" was taught by Yang Qing, the head of the school's Art Design program, and professional teachers Shan Xiaoyi and Guo Na. The instructors provided detailed explanations on the design of cultural and creative products based on intangible cultural heritage, concepts and design ideas of logos, and the cultural connotations of old Shanghai calendar posters. They demonstrated the development trends of AI-empowered art design and conducted a live demonstration of AI-powered design for The 24 Solar Terms posters, which greatly impressed the overseas trainees and received enthusiastic responses.

The "Chinese + Vocational Skills" series of courses attracted a total of 335 participants from seven countries in Africa and Southeast Asia. The courses were unanimously praised by the overseas trainees. The School of Architecture and Environmental Art will continue to leverage its professional strengths, actively promote Chinese culture globally, showcase the charm of vocational education, tell China's stories well, and contribute to the internationalization of the school's educational standards.

(This article is reprinted from the official website of "Shanghai Urban Construction Vocational College")

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