Welcome~Sino North Africa Education Innovation Association
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Association News

"Chinese Delegation Explores Twinning and Arts Collaboration with Monastir, Invited as Guest of Honor for International Plastic Arts Festival"

On Thursday, May 2, 2024, In a spirit of cooperation, the Chinese delegation visited the Monastir Town Hall, where they were warmly received by the secretary-general of the municipality of Monastir along with other municipal representatives. During the visit, they explored various possibilities for future collaboration, including the potential twinning of Monastir with the city of Binzhou.


Additionally, the delegation toured the Monastir Fine Arts Association, engaging in discussions about Chinese participation in the upcoming International Plastic Arts Festival, scheduled to take place from June 22 to 30, 2024. The delegation from China has been invited as the guest of honor at this festival, which will also celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Tunisia and China.






Contact us

Company:Sino-North Africa Education Innovation Association

Tel:+86 10-53323733

Fax:+86 10-53323733

Address:No. 0903, Building A, Tower 1, Wangjing SOHO, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China