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The First Sino- North Africa International Vocational Education Digital Innovation Skills Competition was successfully held

Co-sponsored by the Sino-North Africa Education Innovation Association (SNAEIA) and Esprit Education Group in Tunisia, and jointly hosted by Hassan I University in Morocco and the Education Department of Casablanca, the First Sino- North Africa International Vocational Education Digital Innovation Skills Competition was successfully held from May 5th to 8th, 2024, in the city of Settat, Morocco.


Over 200 teams from Morocco and Tunisia registered for this competition, with more than 600 domestic teams registering, totaling nearly 3,000 participants. After layers of selection and fierce competition, 26 teams entered the final competition, with finalists from vocational colleges in China, Morocco, and Tunisia. The final result was that the Chinese team won two gold and three silver medals, the Moroccan team won two gold, three silver, and six bronze medals, and the Tunisian team won three bronze medals.


Li Changlin, Ambassador of EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE KINGDOM OF MOROCCO, attended the award ceremony of this competition and delivered a speech. In his speech, Ambassador Li first congratulated the winning teams from China, Morocco, and Tunisia, and pointed out that President Xi Jinping emphasized that science and technology are the first productive forces, talent is the primary resource, and innovation is the primary driving force. China and Morocco share a common vision and action in keeping up with the trend of global technological development, carrying out technological innovation, and energy transformation.


This competition, themed around cross-border e-commerce, additive manufacturing, and virtual reality, provided a platform for creative innovation, exchange, and sharing among universities in China, Morocco, Tunisia, and Africa. It promoted pragmatic cooperation and cultural exchanges between Chinese and African universities.

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Company:Sino-North Africa Education Innovation Association

Tel:+86 10-53323733

Fax:+86 10-53323733

Address:No. 0903, Building A, Tower 1, Wangjing SOHO, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China